

Neil Glen and John Sumpter scoped out the site map working within the limitations of Blogger, the aim being to create a simple, clean layout to bring together the work of the Learning Technologists across the five schools at Bath Spa University.

This site was developed from an existing blogger theme, Gremble, by Indonesian web coder MKR with modifications to the code by Neil Glen and Gavin Wilshen.

Image from Greg Peverill-Conti under a Creative Commons Licence.

The sections to the right and in the footer are added using the standard Blogger site management tools. These tools makes it easy to create a site with features to improve accessibility and increase engagement. The site also shows how easy it is to add social media tools for connection to Facebook and Twitter. All of which will help if you want to engage students with a site.

The changes are tweaks to the colour, background and to finesse the layout to reflow across tablet and mobile devices whilst maintaining the proportions of the content.  There is no mobile version of the site, it simply responds to the screen size.

If you want to know more about why responsive design is important read this article on Mashable.

If you want to know more about using blog sites for learning and teaching at Bath Spa University contact your school learning technologist.



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